Friday, August 2, 2013


It's been a while.  Ok, it's been a really long while. I'm actually shocked to see the date of my last post.

Suffice to say that the scuffle mentioned in that post served as the proverbial tip of the iceberg. It certainly was not the last run-in to be had with the offending couple, and it became so tenuous that my daughter feared staying with me. That was the clincher. Our great village experiment ended in February.

We moved into a wonderful little house near campus and a mile from the heart of Williamsburg's historic district. We're also a mere mile from my daughter's school so we can walk or bicycle again.  The neighborhood is predominantly comprised of upper-class families, most of whom have grown children, but it is a neighborhood in transition, and there are several families here with children still in elementary and secondary school. It's the first such neighborhood we've lived in, but it's still noticeable how little the children play in the streets.  And then, there is our little house, small and eccentric but bursting with its own story. And it's home, at least through next June.

We continue to live relatively simply. That is my goal, and it's partly my ideological philosophies, but there is a hefty dose of financial constraints guiding this lifestyle, too. Of course, if I were to have more disposable income, I gather I would gravitate toward another bike or a spending spree at Title Nine.

One of the biggest changes we're looking at is our transportation situation, and I think that will be the emphasis of this blog henceforth. There is no need to change the name. I'm just transitioning subjects.

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